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*Gasping* |
So here we are! The post you (myself) have been all waiting for! (Or at least I've been waiting to do!) So...here it is...I...am a nerd! Gasp!
(Proviso: Only the shows I faithfully watch will I be able to really talk about. Otherwise, a brief description shall suffice...)

Supergirl (CBS): Lead Melissa Benoist (Glee) brings Superman's cousin to life in the latest DC Comics based television show. DC has done some great stuff on television (See Gotham, and later The Flash and Arrow), so maybe they have another winner. Series premiere: October 26.
Blindspot (NBC): The Jamie Alexander (Lady Sif from the Thor movies) lead mystery show has garnered acclaim since its intense opening scene. Left in the middle of Times Square in a bag, with no clothes, and a body full of tattoos she doesn't recall, Jane Doe must follow a trail of inked breadcrumbs to unveil her personal mystery. Also starring Sullivan Stapleton (300: Rise of an Empire), this might be an interesting one to look out for.
Castle (ABC): Entering it's eighth season, Castle seems to be going strong. One reason why: Nathan Fillion (Firefly).
Jane the Virgin (CW): This surprise from last year is back for it's second season. Lets see if lead Gina Rodriguez can work through any sophomore woes.
The Muppets (ABC): Everybody loves The Muppets, but what could make them better?! How about adding a ton of adult humor and working off the mockumentary made famous by Parks and Rec, as well as The Office. Plus the weekly celebrity appearance helps give it a real life feel. Love it!

iZombie (CW): The Rose McIver lead DC property enters its second season, coming off a solid first.
Scream Queens (FOX): I know nothing about this show, other than it stars Emma Roberts (American Horror Story, and niece of Julia). However, I've heard nothing but praise for the freshman show, so keep an eye out!
The Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris (NBC): A variety show staring Barney Stinson. Enough said.

Empire (FOX): Sex, drugs, drama, hip-hop. This show has it all, and was absolute gang-busters in its first season. Now back for a second go, the Terrence Howard lead behemoth looks to add another trophy to its mantle piece.
The Blacklist (NBC): James Spader is never bad in anything, and that includes this junior year hit. His character, Red, will make you look differently at bad guys.
Sleepy Hollow (FOX): I don't watch this show, but I hear it is really good!
Scandal (ABC): I didn't hear about this show until last year, but was even more surprised to hear this season is their fifth! Starring Kerry Washington, this politically infused thriller is definitely one you'll want to catch up on.
How to Get Away with Murder (ABC): Entering it's sophomore season, the Viola Davis lead mystery drama looks to build off a very impressive first season. Davis just recently won an Emmy for her role in the show, so all the more reason to check it out.
Doctor Who (BBC America): Entering its "ninth" season (which doesn't include the classic episodes), Peter Capaldi stars as the titular doctor, rushing through time and space in a little blue box that's bigger on the inside! It will be interesting to see what happens now that it has been announced that Jenna Coleman's Clara was leaving the show.

Once Upon A Time (ABC): This show actually lost me a long time ago, and I am surprised they're still going. However, I know many people who still love this show and good for them! Let's just hope this season's story involving King Arthur works better than the Frozen storyline did.
The Walking Dead (AMC): Six seasons in, this is the show all shows hope to be. It seems like every episode tops the last in ratings, and Andrew Lincoln's Rick Grimes just continues to lose it! Its only a matter of time before their perfect little home in Virginia turns into a zombie feeding ground! And, if you need to hold over your gory, dramatic fix, I highly recommend it's spin-off show, Fear the Walking Dead!
There are also three new shows on Netflix I highly recommend! The first is Zoo, a sci-fi thriller depicting a world where animals become violent and attack everyone. I've only seen parts of the first episode of the CBS show, but I've heard good things about it! The second is Narcos. This is one of those shows where you cannot stop watching, until you do pause it for one reason: you realize this shit actually happened. Telling the story of Pablo Escobar and the War on Drugs, this show is bound for some awards. Oh! And please do not be scared off because of the subtitles. The real life people didn't speak English, so why should the characters. Finally, coming November 20th is Jessica Jones. Based off the Marvel character, this is their second foray into Netflix television after the widely successful Daredevil. I obviously haven't seen it yet, but if it is anything like DD, with a great female lead (Krysten Ritter of Breaking Bad fame), then it is a sure hit!
Obviously there is something for everyone! So when you're taking a break from your busy lives, your cell phones, and outside, sit down and watch a television show. I mean, why else do you pay for cable/Netflix/Hulu/HBO GO/etc....